View outside my window at my château retreat
I recently wrapped up two incredible weeks of retreats in the French countryside, practicing presence as we savor life with flavors, terroir, and connection of body, mind, and spirit.
One of the themes of my retreats was learning to see with the heart more than with the eyes. It’s been truly fabulous to retreat from the every-day and get to the heart of what really matters in life. I hope that you will be able to join me for either of my next upcoming retreats this late summer/early fall to Tuscany where we will be taking a similar approach to savoring life.
Yet still, sometimes it’s hard to think about enjoying ourselves when there is so much trouble and difficulty in the world right now. And as individuals what can we do about the world’s problems? As a single person, can we even make a difference?
First, I believe that the biggest problem we are facing as individual and collective human beings is nothing new. Our biggest problem is the false notion that we are separate from one another. We feel that there is a war “out there” that we must fight in order to somehow find harmony so we fight other nations, other political parties, and other people’s beliefs when the struggle has and always will be within.
We will never achieve harmony in our outer world until we first achieve it in our inner world.
Yes, we have big differences and problems with one another and it’s part of the point of being human: to learn to work through these issues and allow them to act as a catalyst for our growth into waking up to our ultimate oneness.
One of the greatest things we must learn as we wake up as humans is to respond rather than react to our personal and global circumstances. Reaction is the product of our lesser self and only perpetuates the fight moving us personally and collectively in a downward cycle of separateness and destruction.
Compassionate responsiveness, however, is the product of being connected to our True Self, the person who is evolving as the product of our upward cycle of awareness. Practicing compassionate responsiveness rather than perpetuating reactivity helps us to use our energy and resources to build the world we want rather than fight against the one we don’t.
Of course there is work to do, of course we can’t just sit on our meditation cushions and hope the world’s problems go away. But without a solid relationship to our inner-self we have no foundation to step from where we are into where we want to be.
Honestly, I’m completely enraged by so many injustices that are happening in the world and specifically in the US right now. The cultivation of compassion through mindfulness doesn’t blanket these feelings. In fact, with connection to my compassionate ground my hearts actually wake up fully to this world’s problems and the intolerable injustices that those in power perpetuate toward marginalized people, women as a whole, and of course our dear mother Earth. But with connection to my compassionate ground, I may cultivate the superpower to alchemize my righteous rage into loving action that actually heals, both individually and globally.
Yes, any true change we wish to see in the world must start within and I can think of no greater way of creating necessary personal and global change than by learning and practicing the gentle but transformational practice of Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra has immensely impacted my life by showing me very clearly my personal wholeness and the connectedness of all things. It’s given me a personal and global perspective over problems. And because I’m human I’m going to mess it up so Yoga Nidra has given me a way of practicing learning how this compassion thing works. It’s empowered me with immense clarity of action while also helping me maintain an abiding peace while working toward the future I wish to build.
Yoga Nidra has shown me that my anger about injustice in this world is actually a wonderful gift because it wakes me up from being anesthetized on auto-pilot and shows me that somehow everything is love. It shows me that I am responsible to ground my actions in this love and do the work necessary to build the future I want. It’s shown me that I can work to help end injustice in this world while also having peace in my heart.
In short, Yoga Nidra has shown me the paradox that I’m powerful enough to hold both peace and rage simultaneously.
I’m not alone here and I feel immensely honored and gratified to have done my part to help tens of thousands of other people likewise feel empowered to realize their own innate wholeness and power by teaching Yoga Nidra to them.
I want to invite you to make a difference, to make a global impact by learning to teach Yoga Nidra.
My Next Yoga Nidra Training
In about 4 weeks, August 15–28th, I’ll be hosting my next Yoga Nidra immersion and teacher training. I’m really thrilled about this training because I’m constantly improving my trainings and this time around I’ve developed a completely new hybrid format that offers a more comprehensive curriculum as well as incredible flexibility. You’ll learn the core principles on your own timeline and will also have tons and tons of personalized live Zoom time to practice teaching Yoga Nidra, explore your personal questions, and discover exactly how YOU will use Yoga Nidra to make a positive impact on the world.
If you’ve already taken my Yoga Nidra course and want a refresher or to sharpen your skills, you can join for a special repeat-student price.
If you've ever wanted to learn how Yoga Nidra can help you and others make serious life transformation, now’s the time.
This training is perfect if you’re a yoga or meditation teacher, coach or therapist, school teacher, parent, or anybody who is passionate about making a positive impact for others and making a difference in the world.
When you complete this course you will:
Feel confident to teach Yoga Nidra like an expert
Understand Yoga Nidra so well that your delivery will be effortless
You’ll understand how to satisfy the unique needs of your students and clients
Stand out as a teacher, therapist, or coach
Make a deep, meaningful, and positive impact on the lives of your students or clients and the world
Be prepared to start earning money as a Yoga Nidra facilitator either in person or online
Too many Yoga Nidra trainings only discuss what Yoga Nidra is and then send you off with a few rote scripts to teach with. The problem with that is that a teacher will be most powerful when they can teach from their own experience and their own words and not as a parrot of their teacher.
Imitate then innovate
I believe that you must learn to imitate then learn to innovate so in my program, you’ll get over 100 pages of highly-effective Yoga Nidra scripts—like Yoga Nidra for Sleep, Yoga Nidra For Healing, and Yoga Nidra for Stress— so that you can start teaching great Yoga Nidra classes right away. But by the end of my program, you’ll feel so confident with the principles and roadmaps of how to build your own specialized Yoga Nidra scripts, that you will soon be able to innovate and make your OWN scripts to meet the specific and individual needs of your students and clients. This is so essential to be a transformational Yoga Nidra facilitator and I don’t know of any other program that prepares their students to make their own scripts like this.
I’ve spent years developing my curriculum and as I’ve done some deep soul searching to explore how I’ve become an expert at teaching Yoga Nidra, I’ve discovered two complete game-changing principles that I can’t wait to share with you, that will help you to deliver excellency in your teaching and have you teaching like nobody else.
Hybrid Learning Gives You More of Everything
Both the immersion and teacher training will be a combination of self-paced online learning as well as weekly live weekend sessions.
Online Learning
You’ll learn the essential principles, lessons, theories, techniques, roadmaps, and practice Yoga Nidra via my robust pre-recorded online Yoga Nidra training. This allows you to digest this material on your own timeline and to review it as often as you like. I’m very proud and honored that my online Yoga Nidra teacher training is considered among the top 5 online Yoga Nidra trainings in the world.
When you register you receive immediate and lifetime access to the online portion of the training which contains:
Engaging video lectures
Dozens of specialized Yoga Nidra audio recordings (some specifically designed to help you learn to teach Yoga Nidra)
Breathing and mindfulness exercises
The Yoga Nidra Roadmap
The Yoga Nidra Dyad Roadmap
Class Building Worksheet
Helpful Tech Sheet
Pranayama exercises for yourself and to give to your students
Mindfulness exercises for yourself and to give to your students
Mindful poems
Essential props list
Yoga Nidra Door hanger for privacy
Over 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts
Live Sessions
These live sessions will be so valuable!
Because the core content will all be done on your own, this allows us so much more time on our live Zoom sessions for:
Deeper and more personalized Q&A
More peer collaboration
More practice teaching Yoga Nidra and Yoga Nidra dyads
Exploring specifically how YOU can use Yoga Nidra with your students and clients
Building classes in real time together to see how ideas become effective Yoga Nidra scripts
Every cohort of trainees is different and each person has specific needs for learning Yoga Nidra. You have unique perspectives, talents, and reasons for teaching Yoga Nidra. That’s why I’m devoting the majority of our Zoom time (4 hours on each Saturday and 4 hours on each Sunday) to answer your personalized questions, go deeper on the topics that are important to you, to practice teaching Yoga Nidra, and to receive live Yoga Nidra practices. These live sessions will allow you the opportunity to practice teaching yoga Nidra to each other. This will be so powerful!
Facebook Group
In addition to the online connection with your Yoga Nidra cohort via Zoom, you’ll also be connected to your peers via our private Facebook Group. Here you can encourage each other, ask questions, make contacts, upload your recordings and share resources.
Two Segments
I’ve split up the training into two Segments. The first segment is the Yoga Nidra immersion, designed for those interested in developing their personal relationship with the transformative power of Yoga Nidra. Ultimately, this is an inquiry into your very nature of being to discover how beautiful and wondrous your life can be, and how much this yoga of sleep can benefit your stress, sleep, and perspective on the world and its problems. The immersion also serves as the foundation for the teacher training segment of the training.
The next segment is designed for those who are interested in teaching Yoga Nidra or for those who just really geek out on this fascinating subject. For this week, you’ll have the chance to practice teaching each other Yoga Nidra and begin to master the art of teaching, creating the container, and using the tools that facilitate lasting transformation.
In addition to all the things you’ll receive in the online learning and Zoom sessions, you’ll also get:
An updated 160-page manual to help map your Yoga Nidra training journey
A certificate of completion (upon completion)
Access to my weekly live, online Yoga Nidra class from when you sign up through the duration of the training ($48 value)
A 30-minute private consultation via Zoom ($100 value)
The Training Pays For Itself
Most yoga or Yoga Nidra trainings may prepare you to teach but almost none of them show you how to create good-paying teaching opportunities for yourself. By the end of this training, you’ll have the confidence to go out and generate your own well-paying live and online classes, workshops, courses, digital products, and even retreats. No more begging yoga studios to teach classes.
Additionally, I’m going to let you in on the some key information I share with those whom I mentor, the foundations of building what I call your Mechanism of Influence. This is all about how to organically attract the clients you want to teach, create a global audience, and get paid what you are worth to share your gift with the world. Your Mechanism of Influence empowers you to make a huge and positive impact on the world while also making a great living doing what you love.
For those who have already taken my training and would like a refresher course, you can participate fully in all parts of this course for a fraction of the cost. This gives you the most updated information (including updated manual), gives you the chance to ask personalized and refined questions perhaps informed by your recent teaching, and allows you to practice teaching classes and dyads with your peers. Refine or refresh your expertise as a Yoga Nidra teacher.
I can’t wait for this training to begin and I’d really love for you to join me. When you register, you’ll receive a welcome email with immediate access to the online learning portion so that you can start learning right away. You’ll also get all the information for our live sessions.
We’ll have our live welcome meeting via Zoom on August 15th. By August 28th you can be a certified Yoga Nidra teacher with the power to make a large and positive impact on the world.
Be the change and help others do the same. Make an impact and help build the kind of world we all want to live in by learning to facilitate Yoga Nidra.
Please join me.