Pic by Alex Adams
One day many years ago, I began my work day with my journal and favorite pen. I set the timer for 11 minutes and committed to keep my pen writing no matter what, even, and especially, if I didn’t know what to write. This is a trusted practice I’d learned from my good friend and collaborator Nan Seymour. What’s so magical about this writing method is that you never quite know what’s going to come rolling out of your pen onto the page.
On this day, after only just a few minutes into my 11-minute writing exercise, I found myself building an outline for my first ever online course called Sourcing Your True Power, a course about self-discovery through Yoga Nidra.
This was about 10 years ago. Maybe you took that course. I absolutely loved building and offering it.
Well, my first online course evolved into a live weekend training, then into a full-blown Yoga Nidra immersion and eventually into my first Yoga Nidra teacher training program. My current 30 and 50-hour Yoga Nidra immersion and teacher training curriculum is yet another extension of that first course. It is also the basis for my current online pre-recorded training as well as my live Yoga Nidra immersions and trainings which I offer in the US, Europe, and Asia.
What started as an 11-minute journal entry has grown into a message and a training that has reached students and teachers in 43 different countries … all who are napping their way to enlightenment.
It was as if the idea for my Yoga Nidra training was sitting there underneath the blank page, just waiting to be written before the idea could manifest into form.
Michelangelo said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”
In much the same way, every blank page has your heart’s message hidden inside, whether that’s meant for your eyes only or to be sent out to the world. Either way, it is the task of the writer to discover it and to write it.
What if all possible words are hidden in some black chasm beneath the page and the task of the writer is to simply scratch away the bits of the page that will reveal the words destined to rise at that moment?
This is the act of writing to discover.
There is a yoga of writing which involves the physical act of either your pen gliding across the page or your fingers tap dancing across the keyboard to alchemize the page from white to black and to reveal those hidden words. It’s the body and mind connection which reveals the spirit of these words.
Sometimes, it’s only after writing the words that you discover their truth.
Often when you work for yourself—maybe you’re a solo-preneur—like, I don’t know, a yoga or Yoga Nidra teacher, a therapist, energy worker, teacher, or coach—you’re required to find your own direction in your work. You must ignite your own inspiration.
One of my trusted processes for finding direction in my work—of taking my bearings, of checking the stars to chart my movement and discover where I need to sail next—is to pull out my journal and pen and begin to write, often not knowing beforehand what I’m searching for. These words scrawled across the page very often reveal my path forward.
This idea of manifesting through words is the essence of my most recently published book. It’s called The 5-Minute Manifesting Journal, information and inspiration to help you regularly put pen to paper and become the kind of person who can write to discover what amazing things this life has in store for you.
You get to write the story of your life.
What I really want to tell you today is that I believe that you have a message inside of you. I’d love to explore with you some tools to harness the craft necessary to free those words hidden on the blank pages of your book of life.
Maybe these words are meant only for you. Maybe they are meant for the world.
This Saturday at 9 am MT, I’m hosting what I think will be a really fun live, online workshop via Zoom where we will discuss and practice the art of journaling. Grab your journal, your favorite pen, and you favorite morning beverage cuz we are going to do some yoga, breathing, and explore some prompts to get your pen moving. Together, let’s discover those words that are underneath the page, waiting to be written.
Then, following weekend, you’re also invited to join me in my 20-hour Small-Group Business Mentorship where we will explore how to discover or refine your message and how to send it out into the world in a way that helps both your ideal client as well as yourself transform into the person you are meant to be in this world. It’s designed to put your skills and talents into the world in a way that serves your clients and helps you make a great living doing what you love.
I have spots available in both my Journaling workshop on Saturday
September 30th as well as my Small-Group Business Training happening October 6–8. I would love to have you join either or both.
Write to discover what’s next for you in your book of life.